Sometime people ask if the best part about science is the excitement about the unknown or if its the lasting bonds made between those united in a common cause.
We conduct research related to gravitational wave astronomy (LIGO), tests of fundamental physics on the tabletop (IQIM), and studies of space missions for gravitational wave detection.
Using machine learning techniques to cancel noise and apply feedback to the laser interferometers for gravitational wave detection.
The limits to precision mechanical measurements due to nonlinear mechanical upconversion / downconversion.
Thermally actuated adaptive optics for interferometers.
Cold, crystalline optics to enable gravitational-wave detectors to reach out to cosmological distances.
Direct measurement of the thermal noise in mirror coatings.
What are the limits of classical sensors when using a quantum field?
Meter scale, optical ring resonators and tilt-free ground sensors.
Pushing the mechanical Q of silicon cantilevers for mirror suspensions in LIGO as well for making tests of quantum mechanics at the macro scale.
Sometime people ask if the best part about science is the excitement about the unknown or if its the lasting bonds made between those united in a common cause.
You can get help from teachers, but you are going to have to learn a lot by yourself, sitting alone in a room. --Dr. Seuss
Publication has been extended far beyond our present ability to make real use of the record. --Vannevar Bush (1945)